Editor’s Note

Anticipated return to pre-pandemic era by end of 2022

Probably not in full-fledged yet Leisure travel is back definitely in growing numbers when compared to June 2021 and so are the tourists…  The priorities, values and behaviour of the travelers have basically changed, either by need or choice. The emphasis is now on traveling safely and healthily.

Many believe that end of 2022 seems to be an end to pandemic. Based on the swiftness of the global vaccine rollout, the travel industry primarily may return with leisure market whereas business travel may come slowly henceforth. 

The inbound international travel market is relatively lagging behind the outbound market at the moment. The industry for corporate travel has recovered in the last few months and expects to move forward.

The recent trend of customers fancying on alternate accommodation as they prefer to take shorter vacations, instead of a long break once a year. As the flexibility to work from home still persists, they look out to work on remote locations and alternate accommodation demands keep rising.

No matter where you call “home” these days, when it comes to the pleasures of home life, keeping well and thinking positive, the concept keeps flourishing. The significant expansion of homestays, villas, service apartments, hostels, and so on continues in the market for the last two years.

Enjoy the read, my friends!

Susmita Ghosh

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