
Countries around the world are reopening…

By Netpal Travel Bureau Borders opening as the Covid-19 vaccine rollout gains momentum. Many countries are gradually returning to normal and letting people back into restaurants, shops and sports venues after more than a year of on-off lockdowns. BRITAINReopened on April 12, non-essential retailers in England while restaurants are operating outdoors. Indoor hospitality, cinemas, theatres […]

Wellness Tourism

Wellness Tourism: Trend shifts to health retreats in 2021

Netpal Travel Bureau People are getting attracted to places in own country or abroad that offer health and wellness.  Enhancing opportunities, tourism will shift from simple spa and leisure to health and wellness travel. The global hospitality industry has seen a transformed interest in wellness tourism. Travellers are seeking health and wellness retreats to build their […]


See you at any part of the world!

Travelling has always been a getaway from our daily chores and most of us love to explore especially the energetic youth, hence tourism has always been a flourishing industry. But with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, this industry has gone downhill and worst hit in 2020. However this is momentary. There will be a […]